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Estimated delivery time for most of products: Tuesday 2025-04-15 or even Tuesday 2025-04-08. more info
Add 200€ more and you will get free gift, 300€ more and you will get free shipping, 1000€ more and you will get 5% discount more info

+/- 1-2cm,
Dimensions are in centimeters



There are four different ways to pay less in

If you use discounts A, B and C in your order only one of them will apply, but always the one best for you. A one-time voucher (D) can be used anytime.

A. Every week we have few generators discounted 10-30%.


To be up to date you should subscribe to our newsletter. We send only 1 email each week, so just leave your email below

Sometimes we make also percentage discounts for an entire offer of

B. Depend on how big your order is, you will get:


over 200€- free gift
over 300€ - free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur
over 400€ - free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 1% discount
over 500€ - free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 2% discount
over 650€ - free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 3% discount
over 800€ - free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 4% discount
over 1000€- free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 5% discount
over 1500€- free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 6% discount
over 2000€- free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 8% discount
over 3000€- free gift, delivery discount up to 20eur and 10% discount

C. One-time vouchers


We give some 5-100€ vouchers for example as prizes in Facebook/Instagram contests or as "thank you" for photos you send us so we can use them on social media.

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